COMEDY NIGHT with SYD BOSEL @The Old Firehouse
Syd Bosel coming to The Old Firehouse Wine Bar on November 8th. Tickets available at the bar — or click here to request tickets and pay online
Known for her razor-sharp wit and relatable storytelling style, award-winning stand-up comic Syd Bosel will have you in stitches. Laugh with and at Syd as she shares tales from the trenches of her life, including the realities of being the mother of “adult” children, surviving marriage for a thousand years, and other glories of nature. Gather your friends! This show is for anyone who loves to roar with laughter!

Sunday Supper Club Featuring Chef Thomas Yesdresyski
Join Chef Yesdresyski and his team for a special meal, being offered at The Old Firehouse Wine & Cocktail Bar
Dinner Tickets $100 + tax. Please book your seats here online, or call the bar.

COMEDY NIGHT @ The Old Firehouse (SOLD OUT)
Tickets available at the bar. UPDATE: SOLD OUT
New Years Eve special event: 5 course menu $125/person
Seating times available 5:30 - 6:00 - 6:30 - 7:00 - 7:30
Bar is CLOSED until December 31st so for reservations: please email us at info@theoldfirehouse.ca or use our reservation page.

ONLINE Cocktail Zooming!
Cocktail Class is LIVE in session on JANUARY 24th! Contact us by phone or email to reserve your spot. http://www.theoldfirehouse.ca
ONLINE Cocktail Zooming!
Cocktail Class is LIVE in session on OCTOBER 19th! Contact us by phone or email to reserve your spot. http://www.theoldfirehouse.ca
PLEASE NOTE: This date has been changed from the original planned time, due to a delay receiving some supplies we require. If you are booked for the original event time, please contact us if you would like to cancel. Or we are happy to book you in for the new day. Thank you!

39 Days of July Patio Party!
We are throwing a 39 Days of July "Party" in City Square on Saturday! Tables will be set out and socially distanced, food and drink will be served, and music will be streamed live with a projector and sound!
Performance Schedule (*subject to change):
5pm Dana Sipos
6pm Reid Williams
7:30pm Latenite and the Enchanter
8:30 pm Big Flakes
9:30 pm Deep Sea Gypsies
Very limited seating due to COVID19 safety priorities. So come early!

Old Firehouse Dance Party
Join us for our Saturday Night Dance Party! Drink Specials, with DJ Mario and dancing good times!

Dine Cowichan 2020!
Join us for the special menu during this year’s DINE COWICHAN event! $35 for 3 courses. Walk-ins welcome, but reservations are easy and often helpful. See you soon!

Passion Night! with Dr Cheryl Fraser
Become Passion- Create Love that Lasts a Lifetime -
How to Re-Ignite Great Love, Romance, and Sex so you can
Fall in Love all Over Again - With the One You are With!
Duncan, B.C. – In this rare local appearance, and fresh from
teaching for the top personal development coach in the world, Tony
Robbins, and appearing on his Podcast as the featured Relationships
Expert, Dr. Cheryl Fraser, Cowichan Valley born and raised
psychologist, sex therapist, author and speaker, is pleased to
announce a FREE provocative, nothing-else-like-it, live in-person
Passion Masterclass for couples.
Where – The Old Firehouse Wine and Cocktail Bar
When – Monday February 10th (Doors open at 5:30pm, Dr. Cheryl
speaks from 7-9 pm. Drinks and small plates menu available)
What – Dr. Cheryl will teach couples how to Master the 3 keys to
Passion – so they can become one of those extraordinary couples
who are deeply connected, playfully adventurous, sizzlingly sexy and
wildly affectionate
How – (a few words from Dr. Cheryl)
“Can we talk about your relationship for a sec? More specifically...
What you’re currently doing (or not doing) to create love and passion
that last a lifetime. Because long lasting love, romance, and sizzle are
not an accident.
Okay, time to get real. I rarely meet couples that manage to
keep the love, excitement, and yes, lust alive. These extraordinary
couples are as rare as a saxophone-playing unicorn. But don’t for a
minute think that these super couples are just lucky. Or extra-special.
Or mastered Kama Sutra crazy s&x pose number 141. Nope. They
are just like you...except they KNOW the secrets to falling in love with
each other, over and over again. And they make Passion a Priority.
So if you’ve been struggling to feel the thrill and connection that
came easily in the beginning of your relationship, guess what? I’m
going to help. In this special evening workshop for couples, I’m going
to teach you the three keys to Passion and get you started on the
road to recovery from the marriage blahs”
In this Valentine’s Evening for Couples, Dr. Cheryl will teach
• That Long Lasting Romance and Passion are NOT an Accident
– Extraordinary Couples learn exactly how to Create Love (and
Lust!) that Last a Lifetime. The great news is that you can too.
• The Major Mindset Shift that will transform you from lonely,
unhappy, and on the relationship rocks to connected, joyful,
sexy, and in love with your mate
• The 3 keys to Passion - a proven relationship roadmap based
on couples therapy and the science of love that you can start
practicing right now
• Why you simply MUST learn to “Fight Fair” – Once you know
how to handle conflict, forgive, and re-connect - even if you’ve
lost that loving feeling, you can get it back
A Personal Invitation from Dr. Cheryl...
I’ve been searching for the secret to long-term love and passion since
I found out that Shaun Cassidy was NOT my soulmate after all.
My search led me to an award winning career as a Love Expert with a
PhD in Clinical psychology, sex therapy training, my own talk radio
show, and TV slots giving love and sex advice.
But it was way harder figuring out love for myself. I eloped to Greece
and exchanged vows Mamma Mia style – but two years later my
beloved and I threw our wedding crowns into the ocean and called it
I kept searching, training, and applying my hard won knowledge to
helping couples in my private practice and to my own dating life.
Eventually I discovered the exact skills every great couple has
mastered – what I call the 3 keys to Passion.
In 2019 my first book Buddha’s Bedroom - The Mindful Loving Path to
Sexual Passion and Lifelong Intimacy was published, I was invited to
teach Tantric Sex at Tony Robbins Ultimate Love and Passion
program in Hawaii, and I got married again. Mic Drop. And now I want
to share the secrets to great love and sex with you.
This special evening together is the culmination of everything I’ve
learned in 25 years of working with couples and being a partner
myself, for better and worse, from divorce to loving again.
If you are committed to revitalizing your relationship and making 2020
the year you fall in love all over again – with the one you are already
with! – I can help you get there with proven couples therapy
techniques. Because lifelong passion is possible.
TO REGISTER - This is a FREE evening event!
But space is limited so pre-register by email to save your spot!
Send your Name and # of people
(Limited space may be available at the door)
Dr. Cheryl is available for interviews in person or by phone.
For more information about her work, visit
and check out her videos at

Writers at The Wine Bar: Readings and Conversation
Local Writers at the Wine Bar: Readings and Conversation
Cowichan Valley authors Debbie Bateman, John Hadfield, and John Mowat Steven will read from their recent works, at the Old Firehouse Wine & Cocktail Bar in Duncan, on Monday evening, January 20. All are welcome to join us, for an evening of these local writers reading their work and discussing the craft.
About the featured writers:
Eating too much, eating not enough, having sex, not having sex, grief, drugs, aging parents, gender identity, and the last call of ovaries—there's a lot going on in the bodies of women at mid-life. Debbie Bateman explores their secrets.
John Hadfield is a singer-songwriter, musician and prose writer. His stories and songs are reflections on life experiences and his journey to Self. They are deeply personal, sometimes humorous but always engaging.
Nature and spirit, loves, joys and losses, delight in beauty, and the importance of our being together - John Mowat Steven’s heart and his aspirations for beauty in writing.
For our January 20 evening, doors will open at 7pm. Readings begin at 7:30.
The Cowichan Valley is home to many poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers; we anticipate this as the first of a possible continuing series, showcasing their voices at the Old Firehouse.
The evening will include recorded selections of Jazz masters, for relaxation and conversation.
For information, contact jmowatsteven@gmail.com

Old Firehouse Dance Party!
Join us for a great night of dancing, hosted by our own Mariah West, with Nick Beatjunky!
Check out more or RSVP at our Facebook page. 💃🕺🎉